Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A String Of Pearls And Difficult People

One Sunday several years ago, our pastor who is a great blessing, shared about the similarities between a string of pearls and “difficult” people.  It was one of those messages that you don’t forget.  Over the years, it has proven to be a message that has helped me greatly.  I am happy to share this message with you.

In order to maintain the lustrous look of pearls, you must wear them regularly.  Pearls need the oils from your body to keep them shiny, bright and iridescent.   However, if you don’t wear them regularly, they will become dry and brittle.  Pearls were meant to be worn close to the body.

Just like pearls, people are meant to have close contact and fellowship with one another.  When people shun fellowship over time they become irritable, impatient, critical and ultimately a “difficult” person to be around.  When a person is “difficult”, they perpetuate the problem and cause other people to stay away from them even more.

The first reaction we have when encountering a “difficult” person is to push them away and avoid any contact with them at any cost.  However, just like pearls, they need to be brought in close to us so they can enjoy the benefits of God’s design and the beauty of mankind.  Initially, as you can imagine, wearing dry, brittle pearls can cause an uncomfortable feeling to the skin, but in time, the pearls becomes smoother and easier to wear.  The same is true when you choose to deal with “difficult” people and bring them close to you.  Initially, it will be uncomfortable even painful in some cases, but in time the person will become less defensive, less critical and more pleasant to be around. 

Do you have a “difficult” person in your life?  May I challenge you to think about who God may be calling you to draw closer to?  One of the fruits of the Spirit that we tend to want to forget is the fruit of longsuffering (Galatians 5:22).  The definition of longsuffering is patiently enduring wrongs or difficulties.  In order to bear this fruit in our life – our part is in abiding in Him and listening with an obedient heartJ.

LORD, please give us Your wisdom to understand who we need to walk away from and who we need to draw closer to.  Your Word says that Your thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are our ways Your ways.  Help us to know your will as we love people in Your Name.  FATHER, help us to have one desire today – to please You.  We love You and in Jesus’ Name we pray – Amen. 

“And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us...” Psalm 90:17



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