Sunday, September 1, 2013

Watch Her

"For where two or three gather in My Name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20

I have a dear friend who is an inspiration to me. We have been praying together for our families for over fifteen years and God willing we plan on praying together for another fifty years. We have seen God work miraculously in providing and protecting each one of our family members in ways that have made our hearts burst with humble gratitude. In addition to this great blessing and our close friendship, I have had the privilege to be able to see how my dear friend handles the physical challenges that have come her way. It is almost as if God placed her in my life and said, "Watch her."

Watch her how she handles the affairs of her life with so much grace, love and gratefulness to Me in spite of her hardships.
Watch her as she loves and supports her children sacrificially.
Watch her honor her husband in a way that honors Me.
Watch her as she carefully manages her home.
Watch her in how she handles with grace the continued physical challenges of living day to day with a physical ailment.

For over thirty years my dear friend has been enduring a physical debilitating condition - but you would never know it. To this day, she is not known for her disability. This dear friend is known for her love for God and her love for others. By watching her life, I have seen that she has put God first and lived in a state of gratefulness regardless of what trials or hardships she has endured. I have seen a real life example of what it means to pick up your cross and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23).

One of the ways that God has shown me His love, is by allowing me to journey through life with this dear friend who loves her Savior and LORD more than all others.

Do you have someone you can watch? May I encourage you to ask God to place a special friend/mentor in your life? Not a friend that will tell you what you want to hear, but a friend that will tell you what Christ wants you to hear.

The apostle Paul said this to the Corinthian believers, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1

I hope you enjoy the song that I have attached below :)

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