Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tick Tock! Tick Tock!

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
I recently celebrated another birthday. On the morning of my birthday, I arose early to meet with God. I wanted to thank my heavenly Father for allowing me to see 49. My father died at the young age of 48 and I realized that although my father never saw 49, God was allowing me to see it and it was a gift that I am extremely grateful for! God allowed me to not only reach 49, but to do so with enough good health to be able to enjoy my family and have the vitality to love and care for them!
This week I was reading in the book of Daniel and I was reminded of who holds my life in His hands. In the book of Daniel 5:23b, Daniel, a great man of God, was reminding King Belshazzar, who was the King of Babylonia, that although he was not acknowledging or glorying God in his life, it was God who was the One who holds his breath in His hands and owns all of his ways.
In Psalm 90:12, when Moses asked God, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom", it means more than just having a sense of our mortality; it means valuing the time we do have by using it for eternal purposes!
When we rise up in the morning, let us not see it as "just another day" or "another day at the grind", let us see it as a gift and as an opportunity to glorify God. Start your day with a thankful heart knowing that if He has given you life, it means that He has a purpose for you today! Time is valuable and our life is valuable to God!

How will we use our time today?

Will we hoard it?

Will we waste it?


Will we share it?

Let us use our time to bring glory to the only One who holds our breath in His hands!

FATHER, thank you for Your gift of time that You give us on this earth! May our attitude today be one of gratefulness and may we realize that this is not just another day, but a day that You have made for each and everyone of us to enjoy and to share! In Jesus Name, Amen.

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