Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rainy Rain

“Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the LORD your God, for He has given you autumn rains because He is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.” Joel 2:23-24

(The autumn rain softened the soil for planting winter wheat. The spring rain caused the grain to swell – ensuring a good harvest.) Commentary

The scripture above is a picture of God’s heart for His children. Just like earthly parents want the best for their children, God, the Author of Love, delights, rejoices and desires to shower, yes, shower His children with blessings.

May I share with you the big picture of when this scripture was spoken? Joel was a prophet of God who was called to encourage God’s people to repentance. Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of action. God loves His children even more than we love our children and at the time God’s people had become prosperous and complacent. Taking God for granted, they turned to self-centeredness and sin. In other words, as I heard someone say, “They were more focused on their blessings than on the Blessor.”

I love that God desires to pardon sin and His heart always wants the best for His children. God sent Joel to encourage His people to turn back to God with their entire heart. God offered complete forgiveness and a reward for their change of mind and change of heart. 

God was already planning for their blessing. His desire was for them to turn their hearts back towards Him and be sincere as you they followed Him.

When people turn to God with a sincere heart, God pardons us, and He restores our relationship with Him! God does not promise individual wealth nor is He oppose to it. However, God promises something better: He will meet our deepest needs by loving us, forgiving us and giving us purpose in life!

The first rain is to soften our hearts so that God’s word can be planted. The second rain causes the seed that was planted in our hearts to swell with the joy of the LORD!

May we always be grateful to the Blessor and may He send you abundant showers – both autumn and spring!

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